Book Cover (and process) for "In The Garden of Light and Shadow" by Cerece Rennie Murphy

Here's the cover along with the process images for the In the Garden of Light and Shadow cover for Cerece Rennie Murphy! This was a wonderfully awesome collaborative process with designing the main characters, designing the leg, and making the cover be what it is.

Fully rendered final!

Fully rendered final!

back cover

back cover

5th rendering progress - adding in definition with clothing details, adding in foreground platform, starting to define background elements, and rendering the steampunk ship

5th rendering progress - adding in definition with clothing details, adding in foreground platform, starting to define background elements, and rendering the steampunk ship

4th rendering progress - grounding the character in space on the cover, adding story to head direction

4th rendering progress - grounding the character in space on the cover, adding story to head direction

3rd rendering progress - more tweaking

3rd rendering progress - more tweaking

2nd rendering progress - tweaking small elements, adding clouds for distance and structure

2nd rendering progress - tweaking small elements, adding clouds for distance and structure

1st rendering progress - starting to define form

1st rendering progress - starting to define form

chosen thumbnail!

chosen thumbnail!

initial rough sketches to define composition and initial impact.

initial rough sketches to define composition and initial impact.